Thursday, May 14, 2009

Can anyone tell me what it is with ears? Why is it they can never just either stay up or down; First it is one ear, than it is the other ear, than it is both ears up and then both down; I have just about had it with mine and think I am going to keep mine down!

I learned the house rules very quickly. It was easy to learn as I just followed what Mali did. I learned to sit, and stay and to heal right away, but I did not like to lie down when I was told to, not at all. Being shy, it made me feel unsafe to have someone hovering over me. As I grew older, I got over that feeling, and now I trust mom, dad, and I will go down when I am told. I learned command like wait, car, kitchen, go on, and not yours, all before I was five months old.

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